"Dr. Lucy's Creme Cleanser is the Start of an Exceptional Skincare Routine!"


Here is why:

1. Dr Lucy's Creme Cleanser does not strip your skin or dry it out like gels, foams or soaps can. 
2. Dr. Lucy's Creme Cleanser Is gentle on your skin and is the best way to take off ALL your makeup, dirt, grime, dry flakey skin and old sebum that is on your skin and out of your pores. 
3. Remember when we said, "good oils take bad oils out of your pores". This is also a foundation step in keeping problem causing bacteria at bay.
4. A lot of people are under the impression, unless they use makeup they don't need to cleanse their face. Everyone needs to use a properly formulated creme cleanser like Dr. Lucy's to help keep their skin not only clean but healthy and beautiful!

Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skincare...The French Way is Different!

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It's Your Skin...Feed It, Love It, Live in It!

"Tired of the Chase?"

Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skincare when you want and need naturally potent and properly formulated skin care that will calm your skin, hydrate, brighten, plump and glow!

P.S. Here is a trade secret: An Air Innovations Ultrasonic, Anti-Microbial Humidifier is the ultimate for your skin and breathing!  This time of year with the weather so cold and the air inside and out is so dry, you need the perfect beauty boost for your skin! You will be amazed and your family will thank you! QVC

Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skincare...The French Way is Different!

It's Your Skin...Feed It, Love It, Live in It!


"Why You Don't Like Your Skincare Products But Can't Put Your Finger On Why":

1. They tell me my skin has to get use to the product, then it will stop breaking out.

2. Smells too perfumey.

3. The texture is too thick.

4. The texture is too thin.

5. Burns my face when I put it on.

6. Dries out my skin.

7. Makes my skin greasy.

8. My skin Looks dull.

9. My skin is flakey.

10. I can't understand the ingredients on the bottle, they sound like a chemistry    


11. Doesn't really hydrate like it said it would.

12. I guess my skin just doesn't absorb properly.

13. They say the products are natural but they really aren't working.

14. I must be different than everyone else.                                                               


Actually your intuition is right! They just don't belong on your skin!  


Naturally potent and properly formulated products make you look and feel good when you put them on your skin.                                                                                      


"Our Samples Are FREE!

Dr. Lucy Sample Kits are a great way to try all FIVE products for FREE a $24 value!

Plus they are refillable for travel and are TSA approved!

Each sample has a generous amount of product for you to try! 

Just go to our store on our website and place your order. All you will have to pay is the $9.00 shipping and handling!

Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skincare...The French Way is Different!

If you find this post helpful, please share!

We would love to have you follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

It's Your Skin...Feed It, Love It, Live in It!


Dr. Lucy Uses Only the Highest Grade Ingredients in Our Natural Skin Care Line!

Why We Only Buy Our Essential Oils From England for Our Face Oil.

  1. The organic oils are certified "food" grade organic, the highest organic grade possible, most essential oils sold by other suppliers are "health and beauty grade" a lower standard.
  2. Thecompany we use is the first company in the world to specialize in, and sell exclusively certified organic essential oils. They have been trading over 20 Years.
  3. The purer the aromatherapy essential oil the more potent the therapeutic effects, most oils sold are very low quality and simply do not work.
  4. They are the largest range of Soil Association Certified Organic EssentialOils in the world.

Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skincare...The French Way is Different!

If you find this post helpful, please share!

We would love to have you follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

It's Your Skin...Feed It, Love It, Live in It!
