Today's newsletter is all about protecting and healing your skin, keeping it away from invasive, dangerous procedures.
Your skin is a delicate organ that needs to be protected...
I promise you if you do your due diligence, be gentle with your skin, and use natural and organic skin care products that are potent enough on your skin like Dr. Lucy, you will have healthier, denser, calmer skin, more youthful skin.
Aging gracefully doesn't mean you give up on taking care of you or your skin, and don't let anyone tell you different!
People ask me daily...
If I have had Botox or any other kind of invasive procedures done to my face, I always answer no and I always will. Don't let "make believe" Hollywood or anyone else dictate how you feel about yourself and what you "should" look like.
To inject or not inject, that is the question...
Sorry not sorry, but injecting, cutting or tearing up your skin with the "latest fad" is not right, safe or ok, doesn't matter who told you it was a good thing to do.
Products I recommend!
Microcurrent, enzyme masks, Anma, Liftlab, top shelf, toxic free skin care products, eat well, drink lots of spring water and that's just to name a few. Why? Because they are healthy, safe, noninvasive, soothing, plus they all really work!
The French think of it this way!
There are no quick fixes to healthy skin. Nourishing and nurturing your skin with healthy, natural and organic skin care products and procedures like what we mentioned above, will not only strengthen your skin but will also help you to get that buoyant, firm and youthful glow you are looking for. Chemicals, injections and surgery are not your answer, but I really do respect whatever you feel you need to do for yourself.
With Love and Blessings!