8 Summer skin care tips about sun, exfoliation and hydration!
*Since the heat is on I decided to bring this newsletter back. Extreme heat means less clothing, less clothing means more skin overexposed.
During the long days of summer, when the sun’s rays are the most intense, exposed skin is more susceptible to the effects of photoaging, or the premature aging of skin cells caused by ultraviolet (UV) light.
In fact, as much as 90% of the visible signs of aging on your skin are a result of sun or UV exposure. - Manhattan Dermatology, New York
Skin Care Tip 1:
"Pay attention to the clock to stay protected.
Part of the appeal of summer is having fun in the sun. But the sun’s rays are at their most intense between 10am and 4pm. By paying attention to the clock while you’re out in the park or playing on the beach, you’re better be able to protect your skin this summer.
You don’t have to run inside when the clock strikes 10am, but you should take steps to avoid sunburn and sun damage. If your shadow is shorter than you are, it’s a good idea to take precautions.
Skin Care Tip 2:
Here are some ways to protect your skin during peak sun hours:
Seek shade like umbrellas, trees, or other sunshades.
Wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep the delicate skin of your face out of the sun.
Choose sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection to stop sun damage around your eyes.
Cover up with loose, light-colored clothing.
Schedule extended outdoor activities outside of peak hours.
You can still have a great time outside in the summer sun as long as you make sunscreen part of your skin care routine and pay attention to the peak sun hours.
Your skin will thank you for taking precautions this summer to prevent premature aging and skin cancer." - Manhattan’s Murray Hill, New York
Skin Care Tip 3:
Try to avoid constant sun exposure and definitely tanning beds. These may also lead to early signs of aging.
Remember, natural sunscreen, hats, sun clothing and umbrellas are vital to protect you and your loved ones from overexposure from the sun.
*Maybe try a non-toxic self-tanning lotion instead. Improvements in these self-tanners has helped to give self-tanning products a more natural, streak-free look. Before applying the lotion, spray or mousse to your entire body, apply it to a small test area just to make sure there is no irritation.
*The Wen Bella Spirit Self Tanning Bronzing Mist gives a beautiful faux tan.
Skin Care Tip 4:
Always use some type of natural exfoliating product (I don't recommend loofas), which will help to remove old, waxy skin cells plus other debris and particles from your skin. Exfoliating will expose the healthy cells and rid your body from the old ones.
*Dry brushing daily if possible, plus a natural enzyme peel a couple times a week will work wonders!
Skin Care Tip 5:
If your lips tend to become chapped in the winter months or wind burnt at other times, using lip balm or lipstick will help to protect the lips from nature’s worst.
* I actually use the Dr. Lucy 2-in-1 Hydrating Serum on my lips before applying my lipstick or lip balm! I like the added layer of protection.
Skin Care Tip 6:
Dry or cracked skin can be very unbearable, not to mention the discomfort. Use plenty of natural moisturizing body lotions and body oils in order to replenish and lock in the skin's natural moisture. The environment can be very hard on your skin so be aware.
*After your bath or shower apply lotions and oils while your skin is still damp to lock in all that super moisture and hydration.
Skin Care Tip 7:
Do not use products that irritate your skin in any way. The harsh ingredients in soaps and other foaming products strip your skin of its natural oils. This goes for body lotions with "fragrance" and other toxic chemicals.
*The hot sun mixed with toxic chemical ingredients and "fragrance" from your skin care products can cause dangerous reactions to your skin!
Skin Care Tip 8:
Pretend you have sensitive skin even if you don't. This way you are more prone to baby your beautiful epidermis!