I truly think these are two of the best natural, yummy sunscreens I have ever run into! I am super sensitive to fragrance and chemical smells and these are so fresh, light and the smell is soft not like a Coppertone smell. Plus amazing on top of your moisturizer and under makeup! The @dermastore has both of these and they are well worth the price. @hyntbeaty @eminenceorganics
A loving and learning testimonial. Merci beaucoup Lisa! 💋
Like icing on a beautiful French cake. #naturalsunscreen
Cheers to Monday and a perfect Valentine’s Day Special last week!
We are all grateful here at Dr. Lucy for you and your patronage! Merci, merci beaucoup! ♥️
FYI! Don't forget to check your "cart" through.
15% Off ALL product special expires Sunday, February 17th!
Promo Code: LOVE2019
Dr. Lucy’s 15% Off ALL product sale is on! Plus, your special gift is waiting for you!
Facial of love. ♥️ Saturate your skin with rich nutrients to heal and renew. 💋
Introducing our new little Frenchie “Rouge”! 🌹
She is our new revitalizing, target specific, power packed, potent, 100% organic, treatment face oil in a wand!
But WAIT!!! She will not be available on the Dr. Lucy Store until March!...WHAT!!!
I know! That’s not fare to go ahead and post a product like this that nourishes, revitalizes, aids in boosting collagen formation, mega hydration, helps reduce inflammation and redness, helps to regenerate healthy skin cells and helps keep existing cells and tissues healthy and strong, helps improve skins elasticity, the molecular structure of Rouge is compatible to your own skin tissue, aids in brightness, helps protect against sun damage and helps reduce hyperpigmentation, aids in boosting immunity by helping to prevent the breakdown of cells, helps improves skin tone, calms the skin, absorbs quickly, PLUS! The Clear and Rose Quartz combined with the oils in Rouge synergistically increases the overall health and strength of your skin!
Sooo, starting Tuesday, February 12th and expiring Sunday, February 17th.
Our new, Frenchie “Rouge” that is wrapped in a beautiful, sleek glass, steel roller ball wand, 10 ml bottle will be available to you as a pre-launch GIFT!
“Rouge” is regularly $87 but when you order $200 or more (before the discount code) of Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skin Care products from our online store she is yours pre-launch! We think you will be very pleasantly surprised!
Plus! Who doesn’t want to be a little more French! Oui!
Please use Promo Code: LOVE2019
If you think it’s time for a heavier day or night cream, consider this:
The surprising truth is, heavier creams don’t always moisturize well enough to help your skin recuperate. And dermatologist say these very creams can smother your face in a clogging, irritating film, and even cause blemishes.
Whether it’s day or night your skin is stressed from the effects of environmental pollutants, coffee runs, not enough water, etc., what your skin really needs is a breath of fresh air and a long drink of moisture. A natural, self adjusting moisturizer that nourishes and protects your skin all through the day and night. With our Dr. Lucy Ultra Moisturizer your skin isn’t just softer, stronger, nourished and stress free, it actually is healthier!
Yes, Serious Sample Kits...Pardon My French? Yeah, I don’t think so.
Quietly waiting... to make you and your skin happy.
“This masque has calmed down my redness SOOOOO MUCH!! Like it’s essentially nonexistent!!” - Ahna Denney
Thanks to Doctors and Researchers like Dr. Max Huber and Robert Morse a marine engineer, Organic Atlantic Sea Kelp is nothing short of a miracle for the skin inside and out!
Give your skin a chance to repair, soothe irritation and inflammation, boost circulation and aid in cell renewal naturally.
Are you loving your skin?
Whether you love your skin or want to love your skin, keeping your skin care products naturally potent and formulated correctly is the key. As you know, here at Dr. Lucy we can help you maintain your beautiful skin naturally!
Shea Butter-Its high concentrations of vitamins E, A, catechins, plant antioxidants and essential fatty acids, such as stearic and oleic acids, help ward off the signs of aging, with this claim supported by a study in the Journal of Life Sciences which confirmed shea butter boosted collagen production.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommend the use of creams or ointments containing shea butter over lotions as they are more effective at hydrating the skin.
Eye creams have a tendency to be a bit heavier and can weigh down the delicate skin around the eyes. Eye serums by nature are a lighter liquid or gel texture for better penetration, absorption, super hydration and are nutrient dense.
Dr. Prystowsky has a great one sentence “sum up”!
Dermatologist Dr. Janet Prystowsky explains, “The concentrations in serums are meant to penetrate the skin faster and easier than creams because they’re not diluted with moisturizer.”
Des, I’m reposting your inspiring words! Love you so.
Sharing a testimonial or review allows others just like you that might be a little nervous about trying a new skin care product or line a bigger picture...we would love to hear and share your encouraging testimonials/reviews or updates on the Dr. Lucy website!
You can either private message us or just make a comment.
Thank you all for letting us in on your journey to beautiful skin the fresh, natural French way! Merci Beaucoup! 💋
What has happened to my collagen?...Fresh, natural ingredients with botanical hyaluronic acid to the rescue!
The collagen in the skin is affected by age in various ways. The skin becomes thinner and drier, and develops sags and wrinkles due to the collagen and elastin becoming disconnected. Says, Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, M.D. In his article: What is collagen and what happens to it when we age?
Dr. Spiegel also states:
1. Growth of new cells slow down dramatically.
2. Dull colored skin can occur as the dead cells do not shed as quickly.
3. Aging skin is more susceptible to the development of brown spots on the face and body.
4. Intrinsic aging (hereditary) Extrinsic aging (caused by tobacco and environmental factors).
5. Smoking-contains chemicals that stimulate collagen-destroying enzymes and slows down the cells which produce collagen by 40%.
Get your skin back to pre-party state.
Apart from its ultra-hydrating qualities, seaweed boasts anti-aging and anti-inflammatory benefits. It's also packed with amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and its anti-bacterial properties make it an ideal ingredient for fighting everything from acne to signs of aging.
Hi! Hope you are all having a good Christmas Day!
As you can see I didn’t say “happy”, because the holidays can bring up all sorts of feelings good and not so good. The point is, try to make peace with your holiday feels and know that tomorrow will be here faster than you know it! - Joyeux Noël, Rebecca
My favorite perfumes and Dr. Lucy! Oui! 💋
“Dr. Lucy products are the best facial products I have ever used! I feel like I am treating my face to a luxurious pampering every day, and I have smoother and more evenly toned skin than I can ever remember having! Thank you Becky!” -Nancy Rice
Is seaweed good for my skin?
The short answer is yes. Our long answer of six benefits is well worth reading! Oh and by the way, both the Dr. Lucy Gentle Creme Cleanser and Luscious Rose Equalizer Hydrating Masque has brown seaweed (ascophyllum nodosum).
• Can help to ‘re-organize’ the cell membrane to reverse cell damage and restore them to their healthy state.
• Youthful-looking skin – the amino acids in seaweed help your skin to plump up, smoothing out fine lines with its anti-aging properties.
• Hydration – seaweed is full of humectants that draw in moisture from the environment, and vitamin E, also great for hydrating the skin.
• Evens skin pigmentation – the antioxidants that include vitamin B and C, help to heal the skin and clear pigmentation that developed after it was exposed to the sun’s rays for too long.
• Improves elasticity and suppleness, boosts circulation, eliminates impurities.
• Atlantic Sea Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum) contains 14 Vitamins, 16 Amino Acids and Minerals.
Need to calm that chaotic skin?... Essential Basics Trio.
Make Moisture Your Friend!
"The most important part of your beauty routine everyday after removing impurities is to put a protective, plumping barrier layer of moisture against your skin. This helps the skin protect itself from environmental damage, prevent too much moisture loss through evaporation and keeps surface cells translucent, keeping that glow of youth shining through when light hits your skin." Say, Dr. Jessica Krant, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center New York.