Can you wash your face using only water if you don’t use makeup?
Tip: You should always wash your face with a gentle crème cleansing product morning and evening like Dr. Lucy's Gentle Crème Cleanser, even if you haven't applied makeup.
Even if you haven't applied makeup, your skin still has bodily wastes and sebum caused by sweat and dirt remaining on your skin. Water alone can’t wash them off. So you’ll need to use cleansing products like oil cleansers or oil based crème cleansers to aid in the gentle, deep cleansing process.
For one of my personal stories about a full blown acne break-out and cure, sign up for the June Dr. Lucy “C’est la vie” Newsletter today!
Can I use just water to cleanse my face? I would say, "Yikes No!" to this question!
I feel like honoring my Mom a few days earlier this year with a story about herself (Irish accent please), me and tea.
My Mom was a beautiful Irish woman. She was gentle, soft spoken and loved her family.
Whenever I was at home or came back home, we would sit at the table, in the living room or outside with a couple cups (two of three each) of tea and talk away about everything you can imagine.
Tea or coffee somehow magically brings people together, making each person feel more connected, giving, safe and loved.
I miss the Mom I grew up with, her beautiful light blue, almond shaped eyes, her dark brown hair, gorgeous smile and Irish look.
If tea or coffee is meant to unite all of us, then I think we should all walk around giving out tea and coffee with a kind smile every minute of everyday.
Miss you and love you Mom. One day we will sit around the table again together drinking tea in beautiful porcelain cups, laughing and talking and loving.
FYI! 20% OFF ALL Dr. Lucy Products Ends May 1st!
*I am a firm believer in the power of the beauty gift! We all want and need to feel better about ourselves inside and out, so we’ve put together ALL our very favorite presents to give and to get. All of them deliverable in time for Mother’s Day!**
Your Dr. Lucy's 20% OFF ALL PRODUCT Mother's Day Special Is Here!
We decided the Dr. Lucy's Mother's Day Special should be celebrated a little early this year so that your very special gift of fresh, natural, French style skin care gets to your loved ones on time!
Is Topical Sea Kelp Good For My Skin?
The short answer is yes! The long list of benefits is well worth reading! Oh and by the way, both Dr. Lucy’s Gentle Crème Cleanser and Luscious Rose Equalizer Hydrating Masque has brown seaweed (ascophyllum nodosum).
Some of the benefits for your skin!:
Seaweed improves the suppleness and the elasticity of your skin. It acts as an anti-aging and anti-cellulite agent. It detoxifies, tones and cleanses the skin. It can stimulate the renewal of damaged skin cells. It moisturizes and soothes the skin.
Sea kelp has been used as an effective treatment for conditions like Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis and Acne.
Atlantic Sea Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum) contains 14 Vitamins, 16 Amino Acids and Minerals. Plus It soothes irritation, boosts circulation, eliminates impurities and aids cell renewal.
Rebecca Siegfried,
Owner and Founder Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skin Care
Today’s French Kiss Trivia!
Ahh, the French kiss...what?
Yes, we French did invent the French kiss or “La Bise”, but it’s not what you are thinking!
French kiss is how we greet our friends and family on the cheek! BUT, then again the French are very romantic so you can see where the nick name “French Kiss” came from. Ahhh amore.
We are doing a little bit of Spring cleaning and came across 23 of these super cute, super classy Nautical Collection Dr. Lucy cosmetic bags!
It is made of quality material, zipper top and a flat bottom for standing up on your counter!
It is 7 1/2” x 11” and will hold all your makeup, brushes and more!
Plus it is washable!
A $30 value and yours FREE when you purchase the 7 piece Dr. Lucy Sample Kit!
Hurry! I promise you these will go fast!
Do skin care chemicals make you feel overwhelmed and a little nervous?
Then focus on a natural skin care routine that will help to restore a healthy cell structure with products that are fresh, nutrient dense, high-end, naturally potent ingredients and formulated correctly to renew, regenerate, hydrate, plump and glow.
Almost every product Dr. Lucy has ever sold started with the Dr. Lucy Sample Kit. Now we are in every state in the USA, that includes Hawaii and Alaska! If you already have a Sample Kit then now is the perfect time to share the word with friends or loved ones. Merci!
Did you know?!
Green tea can help fight skin cancer by promoting DNA repair. Says, Santosh K. Katiyar, Archives of Biochemistry, April 15, 2011
Green tea is packed full of vitamins such as Vitamin B2 and Vitamin E, both essential for skin health maintenance, maintaining collagen levels for a youthful skin structure and firmness, support new skin cell growth and also acts as an intense hydrator for soft and nourished skin.
Green tea is powerful antibacterial agent for treating acne and unclogging pores.
Green tea helps to shrink blood vessels around the eyes, making it a miracle for treating puffy eyes, dark circles and adding brightness.
Missing my bijou room in Hotel Notre Dame Saint- Michel, Paris.♥️
It is small, but it looks out over Notre Dame, the River Seine, the Shakespeare and Company Bookstore and many shops with people bustling about.
Next to the bookstore is Le Petit Châtelet restaurant and owned by the cutest little French man (you can see him in my story post). And one of the best restaurants I have eaten at in Paris. Here I would sit and listen to the beautiful bells of Notre Dame, sip my café au lait, people watch then walk the city meeting and greeting along the way. Hopefully soon, very soon.
I wouldn’t waste your money using serums, moisturizers, face oils or masques...really, I’m serious, if...
If you do not use a cleanser first. I mean why bother. I will tell you the grimy story of what will happen if you don’t.
Gosh, I don’t even honestly want to go here because it’s actually quite gross.
Ok, let’s start...
Dirty pillow cases. Most people do not change their pillow cases everyday or every other day. Usually it’s more like every two weeks, once a month or longer! Yikes! Do you realize all the sweat, saliva, old makeup, hair products and whatever your imagination can come up with that is ground into your pillow case?!
So you get up, maybe splash some water on your face, brush your teeth and then jump right into applying a serum, moisturizer, sunscreen onto your skin.
Now it’s time to apply your foundation with that brush or sponge. By the way, bacteria loves to live in your brushes and sponges!
You rush off to work...
Whether you are at home or go to an actual building to work, all day long your skin is trying to detoxify by way of sweating through your pores.
Coffee breaks and lunch time...
Yep, whatever you drink or eat gets on your skin and stays there all day.
“Shoot! I’ve got to get to my spin class!...”
Your sweaty, you blot your face with a towel from the club, throw your sweats on and head home to take a shower.
“It’s 7:00 pm and I’m starving!!...”
“Yumm, this veggie and rice take out is sooo good!”
“It’s 10:00pm and I’m so tired I can’t even move!..”
“I’m just too tired to take my makeup off!”
“6:00am my alarm went off!...”
“I’ll just splash some water on my face, apply serum, moisturizer, sunscreen."
“I think to myself, “Why is my skin breaking out! Wow, I feel like I am getting wrinkles overnight. My skin is looking so blotchy, and my pores are huge.”
“What is going on with my skin! Humm...maybe I should stop using my moisturizer, maybe that’s the problem with my skin...”
Moral of the story, cleanse your skin first then apply all the skin care goodies next for beautiful, youthful skin! Oh, and don't forget to change your pillowcases everyday or two and shampoo your makeup brushes and sponges!
Grab your bag of popcorn and your tiara while one of my little Frenchies explains why adding Microcurrent into your skin care routine is so important!
First, as a lot of you know, I have been a Microcurrent technician for many, many years. Don’t shoot the messenger, but let me explain why top of the line, natural skin care products alone will not give you the complete lift and look you are striving for as time goes by.
Look at it this way, I can apply top of the line, natural skin care products everyday and have the most gorgeous, clear, soft, dewy looking skin that will make me feel good about my skin and gain many complements. BUT, as I age my skin will still sag, muscle tone will go South, eyebrows will drop, turkey neck will be more prominent, etc., ‘IF’ I don’t work on the muscles and cell structure underneath the skin.
Wait! Are you talking plastic surgery? No, I’m not and never will. I am talking just basic physiology and re-educating the facial muscles, stabilizing the cells at the cellular level, etc. with safe, non-surgical Micro current.
What is Microcurrent?
Microcurrent is a Nobel Prize-winning, FDA-approved, and clinically proven therapy for pain management and anti-aging. Microcurrent is a safe current that recognizes and mimics the body’s electrical energy!
How does Microcurrent really work?
We all stop producing collagen and elastin early in life. This special therapy works at the cellular level.
*Microcurrent stimulates and increases the production and storage of collagen and elastin.
*Increases the newly-formed collagen’s thickness by 10%!
*Increases the number of new elastin fibers by 45%!
*Increases the elastin fibers by 50%!
*Collagen and elastin are necessary for firm, tight, and wrinkle free skin!
Remember, Microcurrent works, is safe and accepted by your body as a ‘good’ energy wave. Microcurrent is unlike any other cell therapy in that it re-educates the facial muscles for a true non-surgical face lift that will only improve over time!
P.S. If time and money prevents you from going into a Microcurrent technicians office, then I would highly recommend the ‘so easy’ handheld Clareblend mini at home Microcurrent device.
Is applying fresh lemon juice straight to my skin harmful?
Yes it is! I know there are many different, natural home skin care recipes that include lemon juice, but to tell you the truth, lemon juice is way to acidic to apply directly to the skin. Lemon juice can not only disrupt the Ph mantle of your skin, but cause breakouts and wreak havoc on sensitive skin! The best way to add anything lemon to your skin care is through the skin and pith “white part” of the lemon. The lemon essential oil comes from the skin (rind), is loaded with vitamin C and is an antibacterial, etc. The pith is loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, anti-inflammatories, etc.
Never put essential oils straight onto the skin. Always use some kind of carrier or carrier oil when using essential oils.
You asked, I/we heard you and agree about this new bundle trio!
I love it when a skin care company gives me product options with products that I buy and use all the time. No tricks, gimmicks or takeaways.
Everyone has their own likes and loves, so here at Dr. Lucy we are big on service and giving you product combinations that are the most sought-after. We listen to your emails, study the stores analytics finding out what combinations people want, love and buy the most, then try to bundle them for an everyday discounted price.
Top shelf natural skincare and old school impeccable service is what we are all about! Merci beaucoup!♥️
On my last trip to Paris I was on Icelandair...
Such a nice airline and the attendants are not only very kind, but also very beautiful!
On the main leg of the flight into Iceland I struck up a conversation with a couple of the flight attendants in the front cabin of the plane. This is something I have always done. Usually because I’m bored, but sometimes I get a little nervous and a little too in my head so it helps me divert my thoughts. Most of the time they ask me if I am a flight attendant, don’t know why, but they do. I always say no. I did go many, many years ago to Alaska Airlines corporate when they were hiring attendants, but that is another story I will save to tell you next time.
Let’s circle back (where have I heard this phrase before?) to when I was talking to the two flight attendants in the front cabin of the Icelandair flight I was on to Paris.
After finding out that I was not a flight attendant, they always seem to ask, ‘then what do I do?’ That’s when I tell them about our company, ask if they would like a Dr. Lucy Sample Kit gift, I have never had any of them say no.
Europeans in general go absolutely crazy over quality natural skin care. They love love love the fact there is a serum in the kit also! I explain about the 2-in-1 Serum for the eye area and the face. I ALWAYS mention there is botanical hyaluronic acid in the serum, moisturizer and masque. I let them know this is an extreme ALL day hydration game changer when they are 35,000 feet up in the air and going through all different kinds of climate changes world wide! I also tell them, aging before their time as a flight is not necessary and preventable. I end up getting a big hug and many thanks and smiles as I’m leaving the plane. I just love spreading a little love!
What does this have to do with skin care? Absolutely nothing...
I met with my two brothers today at the Portland Airport. One was flying back to Sausalito, CA, the other was heading to the gym after our visit.
On the way I had to take a pit stop in Clackamas for a pee break. I had 1/2 a tank of gas so I had the attendant fill my tank up while I went inside. I set my debit card, sunglasses and keys on top of the towel dispenser (yes I sanitized them). On the way out I grabbed my keys and sunglasses and ran out the door. Humm, “what am I missing” I said to myself. “Oh well” I’m sure I will remember on my way. 10 min. down the freeway I realized I left my debit card in the women’s restroom at the gas station! I flew off the off ramp and headed back. Once I got to the gas station I ran in hoping my card was still sitting on top of the towel dispenser. Guess what, IT WAS!!!
I grabbed it and off I flew again.
Once I arrived in the parking garage, I ran across the walkway into the terminal. I went directly to Beaches where my brothers were waiting for me. After big hugs I sat down and ordered a poached egg, dry toast and water (had just finished an iced, 1/2 caf, 2% latte on my hour and 15 min. drive (Remember the pee stop at the gas station fiasco!) to the airport so I didn’t feel like drinking another.
We talked and talked then it was time for us all to leave each other again. So sad, but my soul felt happy and light.
I hope you all had a good day today!
Oops, Forgot to Post This! Monday Skin Care Tips!
6 Ways to Increase Penetration of All Those Active Skin Changing Ingredients!
1. Steam your face!
The last facial I had from an aesthetician I almost drowned in the steam, but my face looked amazing after!
Your skin will drink up more of your skin care ingredients if it’s in high humidity and increased temperature.
2. Exfoliate consistently!
Think of dead skin as a physical barrier to your fresh, healthy skin. When you remove them you allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin.
3. Apply serums when your skin is still damp.
The skin is a lot more absorbent when it’s damp (which is why Korean women slather on their skincare products within seconds after cleansing and rinsing).
4. Layer properly!
Active ingredients with smaller molecules penetrate the skin, while larger molecules like in creams sit on top of the skin for protection. Small first (like serums), large last (like moisturizers, oils and sunscreens).
5. Look for natural skin care with a delivery system like Dr. Lucy.
Your skin needs all the help it can get to make use of the potent active ingredients you put on it.
6. Increase the volume.
Apply an anti-aging serum all over your face instead of, say, your forehead will increase absorption by skin, which means it will uptake more active ingredients for its benefit.
Travel with me up the Eiffel!
At the top of the Eiffel Tower or La tour Eiffel (the Eiffel Tower) or “The Iron Lady” (la dame de fer). There is a shop where you can buy trinkets to bring home to your friends and family.
If you go to the tippy top of the Eiffel you have a 360 degree look around all of Paris! Plus you can drink champagne while you are dreaming of walking down each of the 20 arrondissements (districts).
Thank you for letting me be your unofficial tour guide!
P.S. Hydration inside and out is a must while on holiday (vacation)!
Why do French women look 3.4 years younger than women in the U.S.? Botanical Hyaluronic Acid is one reason!
"Think of your skin cells as a bunch of balloons and the space between the balloons is where the Hyaluronic Acid lives. You want to keep those spaces filled up for plump, buoyant, dense skin all year long!"
Here is why:
* "Hyaluronic Acid might not be the newest or flashiest ingredient out there, but it's tried and true and seriously good for your skin." Says Dr. Oz. First off, don't let the word "Acid" fool you. Botanical Hyaluronic Acid isn't harsh or skin-stripping at all. In fact it's the exact opposite-a powerful humectant (aka moisture binding ingredient) that keeps skin plump and hydrated and yes, young-looking.
Just an important FYI!
$5.00 OFF the generous, 5-7 days Sample Kit ends tomorrow!
The Dr. Lucy Sample Kit is the perfect way to test-out and really experience all 7 of the fresh, natural, French style skin care products! Plus they are refillable and TSA approved!
Rebecca Siegfried
Owner & Founder
Dr. Lucy Pure Natural Skin Care